
The Boreal Gourmet, Adventures in
Northern Cooking
A celebration of Yukon flavours and traditions, The Boreal Gourmet combines stories about northern life with recipe using local and wild foods for the home cook. Bakers, hear this: there’s an entire chapter devoted to baking with sourdough starter, a fabled Yukon tradition. Recipes are adaptable to ingredients found in any region, and armchair travellers who don’t cook will love the journey.

Vadzaih, Cooking Caribou from Antler to Hoof
Suitable for hunters and home cooks in every part of the country, Vadzaih explores old and new ways of preparing caribou with a no-waste approach. In this unique field guide and cookbook, traditional Indigenous recipes for headcheese, ch’itsúh (pemmican) and roasted caribou head share the stage with international fare like caribou heart souvlaki and deep-fried caribou wontons.

The Boreal Feast, A Culinary Journey Through the North
An exploration of the wild and cultivated foods of the circumpolar boreal forest, from Scandinavia to Alaska and back home to the Yukon. Recipes are arranged in seasonal menus; feasts are as simple as Labrador tea and Finish pulla on a berry-picking expedition or as elaborate as a 3-day bison rib extravaganza with all the trimmings. A Boreal Pantry section features everything from cranberry mustard to spruce tip liqueur.

Awesome Ancient Grains and Seeds
A backyard-to-table guide to growing and enjoying ancient grains and seeds, featuring fifty vegetarian recipes. Legendary gardener Dan Jason of Salt Spring Seeds shares the knowledge and experience of years of growing heritage varieties of these beautiful plants. Once the harvest is in, recipes ranging from the simple (Pumpkin Seed Butter Cookies) to the sophisticated (Beet and Triticale Gnocchi with Kale Pesto) dish up the garden’s bounty.